Study: Arts Education Has Effect

Study: Arts Education Has Academic Effect

A 2002 report by the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) revealed that schoolchildren exposed to drama, music and dance are often more proficient at reading, writing and math.( The report found that education in the visual arts improved content and organization of writing; promoted sophisticated reading skills and interpretation of text, reasoning about scientific images and reading readiness.

While school districts might be tempted to think the arts a frivolous part of the educational system, this report suggests otherwise. It looked at over 62 different studies from 100 researchers, spanning the range of fine arts from dance to the visual arts. In 2002, it was the first report of its kind to look at the impact of art on academic performance. Using this data, researchers determined that students who received more arts education did better on standardized tests, improved their social skills and were more motivated than those who had reduced or no access. While researchers at the AEP admitted that art isn’t a panacea for what ails struggling schools, the study led them to believe it could be a valuable asset for teaching students of all ages.