For Classroom Volunteers
All Classroom Volunteers
LIVESCAN Must be current with “Shield the Vulnerable” Certification, proof of a negative TB test and LIVESCAN in order to volunteer. Certification is good for 2 years. Contact the office for more info.
OFFICE PROTOCOL Sign in at the office and get a volunteer badge WHENEVER you come to school to volunteer. Sign out when you leave
ARRIVAL At the MUR NO LATER THAN 15 minutes before class (unless directed otherwise in your reminder email)
STAY Until everything is cleaned up AND put away in the cupboards. Plan for your carpool kids to come to the MUR after school if necessary.
NON-ENROLLED CHILDREN May not come to the classroom per Diocesan/insurance policy
EMAIL ETIQUETTE Email is the preferred communication method. Please respond to EVERY email “thanks” so the sender knows you got it. Pay attention to details like time for arrival and clothing suggestions.
SUBSTITUTES If you cannot make it, get a sub. If there is an emergency/illness the day of, call your Classroom Coordinator for help. Call Kim (or have the Classroom Coordinator call) if I am going to be short a volunteer.
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE Please no coffee-clatches, chit chat or personal conversations etc. during lecture and the project. No matter how quiet you think you are being, it is distracting. Also, please come to class ready to take Kim’s instruction for set up and clean up.
CLASSROOM HELP *WANDER the classroom during the project.
*Help out with CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR during lecture (babysit if necessary).
*BRUSHES: Clean them with hot water and the brush cleaner.
*DRY all washed materials before putting away (otherwise we get mildew!) Brushes get a reprieve.